
17. 9. 2024

the GazettE twitter, instagram 12. 9. 2024

Ruki twitter:

Coming soon 🔥🔥🔥

Please continue to support the GazettE as always. 


→ Kai: Please 🙋‍♂️🫶

→ Uruha: 🙇

Ruki instagram

Although the night is over, here's what I wanted to tell you today 📝 (twitter)

Toyosu PIT live has ended🔥

Today was truly an irreplaceable day, and I want to thank you all for spending it with us.

In the daily accumulation of choices, the fact that you chose to think, "Let's go see the GazettE," and chose to be by our side, gives my life meaning, and it is the undeniable source of my strength to keep going.

It's all thanks to you.

That's why I was so happy to meet you, and I'm glad I'm able to honestly express that today.

Next year marks our 23rd anniversary, and to celebrate that, we’ve decided to do a tour in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka.

It’s a new challenge for us, but we have absolute confidence.

We can fully feel how much strength we get from seeing the faces and hearing the voices of those who support us,

And that made us feel even more strongly that we need to transform that into a more refined power.

By looking forward and continuing without stopping, we felt again in the space of a live show that we carry the strength to keep this band connected to eternity.

We truly believe that we are a band that can overcome all difficulties together with all of you.

Thank you.

For those who couldn’t come today, we’ll be waiting like this again, so please—no, definitely—come to see us.

Whether it’s faces we see all the time, faces we haven’t seen in a while, or new faces,

Everyone who chooses to share time with the GazettE is a precious friend and supporter, and I want to remember each one of you in my mind.

Memories are priceless treasures that never fade.

With all those thoughts and meanings in mind, we have titled this tour "証跡" (Proof of Existence).

So, I’m really looking forward to the day I can see all of your faces 🙏🔥

I’ve spoken passionately, but I wanted to share this while the heat from the live still burns.

And next will be our last live of the year—a festival, really— Kishidan Banpaku. We’ll be going all out, so please come and support us 🔥🔥🔥

I’ll write again 🙏

#thegazette #heterodoxy #証跡 (Shouseki/Proof of Existence)

Sweet dreams, everyone. Good night ❤️‍🔥 (twitter)

Aoi twitter

Thanks again for today.
It was such a happy space.
Because everyone supports me and pushes me forward, I can keep moving ahead. 

So, please accept this 'Zun Zun Moving Forward Aoi-san'

(TN "ZunZun" (ズンズン) is a Japanese onomatopoeia that conveys the sense of steady, strong, and determined movement or progress, often with an emphasis on forward motion.)

→ Ruki: 

→ Aoi:
That's embarrassing…

→ Ruki: 🥳 

→ Kai:
Right now… I'm behind you… 🫣


→ Uruha: 

Kai twitter

  It's me, not being able to spin my sticks well 🫣 

#Backstage #BeforeTheShow

Ruki: ☺️

→ Uruha: 😭

Uruha twitter

Right before today's show, there's no time to relax 💀

→ Kai: 😉🫶


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