
9. 9. 2024

Ruki instagram, twitter 31. 8. + 1. 9. 2024

Instagram 31. 8. 

How’s everyone doing? It’s been way too hot lately, hasn’t it? Was summer always like this?

In August, we’ve somehow managed to get hit by a typhoon on every day we’ve planned to meet as a band. But despite the rain, we still gather and keep working. That just shows how serious the members are.

In the end, I think that’s one of the great things about the GazettE.

Lately, when we’re together, I’ve started to feel a softer atmosphere, and in those moments, I feel my heart, which had been somewhat hardened, slowly start to soften.

I’m certain that the core and perseverance of this band will definitely lead us in a good direction.

So please wait for us, because I believe it's up to us to shape the future.

Also, recently, whenever I have some time, I’ve been intentionally going out of Tokyo to visit different places.

I’ll be posting a lot of what I’ve seen and felt from now on.

As I walk, just trying to imprint the unfamiliar scenery in my mind, I’ve realized I’ve grown to like walking.

That’s a recent change for me.

I also plan to take lots of pictures of the members from now on. I’ve come to realize once again that the ordinary moments in life are the true treasures.

Look forward to it. 🙏


(pic. 1-3)

By the way, I received a thoughtful letter from a certain art museum along with some valuable artworks they sent me. I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude.

I’ll take my time and read through these carefully, over and over again.

Recently, I’ve been going to the office a lot, so I’ve had the chance to read everyone’s letters. Among them, there was a boy who said he recently started liking us because of a certain event and sent me a CD of his favorite artist, hoping I’d listen to it. His pure feelings made me really happy.

I’ll definitely listen to it.

Thank you, as always. I appreciate all your feelings. 🙏


 (pic. 4)

Twitter 1. 9. 

Good morning, everyone.

People ask me if I’m okay, but it’s just like the weather. After the rain, it will definitely clear up at some point.

Even anxiety is like a weapon that protects you and makes you cautious.

When you keep accumulating experience, a kind of unshakeable confidence develops over time. That’s how it is for me.

Let’s make today another great day. 🤝❤️‍🔥

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